Out of the Box

Imagination. Innovation.

4 Reasons to Purchase Locally Made Furniture

When planning office furniture purchases, there are tons of considerations, such as cost, style, and size. However an important factor that often gets forgotten is whether or not a piece of furniture is locally-made. But knowing where it’s from – its source – can make...

4 Unique Restaurant Design Inspirations for 2018

Restaurants are booming! The growing Philippine economy has greatly boosted demand in the food sector. And thousands of entrepreneurs are doing their best to meet it. New establishments are clamoring for consumer attention and trying new visually-arresting concepts to...

7 Ways to Attract Customers with Stunning Store Designs

A fierce competition occurs every day in front of your store: the battle for attention. The average person sees up to 5,000 ads per day and each one is vying for mind-share. In this clash, the simple existence of your store isn’t enough. You need displays that make...

4 Ways to Increase Engagement at Your Recruitment Booth

While participating in a job fair can be an effective HR initiative, companies have to compete for the attention of attendees. This is especially true for organizations in the BPO industry, where the demand for applicants is high and recruiters are aggressive. If you...

5 Cool Office Design Trends for Startups in 2018

A host of startup enablers are boosting Philippine entrepreneurs and enlivening the whole startup ecosystem. But as more of them are founded, they will need office space and furniture. And their offices need to showcase their unique value to attract both clients and...

4 Trendy Barbershop Design Features to Watch Out For in 2018

With the emergence of hip establishments like Hidalgo Manila Barbershop, Hangar Fine Barbers, Bruno’s Barbers, Supremo Barber, and Slick Barbers Co., one could say that the gentleman’s barbershop is making a comeback in the Philippines. These posh parlors offer clean...

5 Rack Hacks to Keep Your Store Racking

Your visual merchandising set-up plays an essential role in the success of your store. When designed and utilized properly, your racks, shelves, and counters enhance the look of your shop and complement your goods. An upgrade in your merchandise display can make your...

6 Ways to Make Your Mall Kiosk Stand Out

As a mall kiosk owner, you only have a brief moment to capture the attention of shoppers. On top of that, you have to compete against full-sized stores and other booths. Without anything interesting to catch the eye of mall-goers, you can easily luck out on potential...

Top 7 Reasons Why Open-Office Layout Works

A closed-office layout may no longer rise to the needs of modern business. Not only does it need a huge budget for the installation of partitions or dividers, it also requires more space, which is sorely needed. The divisions are also making inter-office communication...

Meet Our Design and Fabrication Team

Outboxed Solutions, Inc.
48 AGS Compound, D. Bonifacio St.
Canumay East, Valenzuela City, Philippines 1447

Email: build@outboxd.net
Phone: (+632) 8370-9069
Mobile: 0917 702 4988

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